September 2018 Newsletter

Dear All
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the month’s edition of our Newsletter.
The festive season has commenced with the nine days of ‘navaratri’ and everyone pleased to participate and welcome the goddess of wealth, strength and knowledge into their homes!.
In Swabodhini our students in the vocational center support the festivities by expressing their skill in painting diyas and making gift bags and doing an exhibition of the crafts for the season. This year is no different as many patrons and corporates have come forward to support the effort of our students and we are overwhelmed by their generous gesture. Our sincere thanks to one and all.
We wrapped up the first term of the academic year in end September 2018. The first term was a whirlwind of activity and we are happy with the progress made by each student. We also had a good round of parent teacher interaction.
We are all set for the next term and pray to invoke the blessings of the goddess during this Dusserha to brighten and infuse positivity in our thoughts and actions and bless us all!
Wishing you all a very happy Navrathri /Dusserah!
Here’s a round-up of our activities for September 2018 for you.
Anuradha Mahesh
Director and Trustee
Swabodhini School for Special Children.
Ph 9840076322
Academic Updates:
Progress Review Report (PRR):
The first PRR for the term was held this month and was attended by our Director, teachers and the parents. This is a quarterly review meeting with the parents which aims at:
The parents had a detailed discussion with all the educators regarding their wards and the educators shared various home activities for the parents to reinforce the learning at home, to ensure sustained progress of the students.
Experiential Visit For Primary Students:
Our primary students visited Bistro 1427- Mylapore and were given a tour of their kitchen. This experiential visit was a part of the curriculum were our students reinforced their knowledge about safety in the kitchen.
This is an important teaching approach as it helps automatic recall skills, acting as cues for students to remember previously learned information.
We thank the management and staff of Bistro 1427 for the hands on experience .Our students thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
Vocational Update:
Experiential visit for TNSDC students:
Our vocational students who are undergoing the TNSDC (Tamil Nadu Skill Development Course) in computer skills visited Latentview Analytics as a part of their experiential visit. Dressed smartly in formals, our students were given a tour of the office and understood the various functions like office administration, human resources, finance.
Our students are taken to such visits as it helps to combine theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge. It acts as a value added learning method as it gives the students a fair idea of how an office functions. Also Industrial realities are opened to the students through these visits.
Our students had lunch & interacted with the employees. It was a great learning experience and we thank the wonderful team at Latent view for this opportunity.
Vocational Products:
The start of festival season in the month of October kick started a riot of activities for our Vocational students right in early September as they geared up to match production with orders for the sale of our vocational products.
The students are working non-stop on the diya and bag making to cater to the orders from our patrons.
This activity helps in improving the fine motor skills of our students, keeps them occupied and positively impact behavior issues. The students also tremendously enjoy doing this work.
Vocational Outreach Programs:
Mitr café sale:
The sale of our vocational products was kick started with our presence at the Navratri Mela held at Mitr Café on 21 and 22 September 2018. We thank all those who patronized us.
Stall At The World Bank Office Premises:
The sale of our vocational products was also held on 26 September 2018 at the World Bank premises.
The students enthusiastically helped in setting up the stall and placing the products for display. They also got a chance to visit another office and interact with people which helps them gain their confidence.
We are grateful to the organization for inviting us year on year to hold a stall.
Corporate Outreach:
Logo designing contest:
Our students enthusiastically participated in the logo designing contest conducted by PayPal.
The staff of PayPal who visited the school were very happy to be part of this initiative and spend a day with us. They were taken around the school and explained the various therapies and activities done at the school and they also interacted with our students and marveled at their talents!
We were glad to share with them about the school and the work we do.
Our students were very happy and proud to display their talents.
Thank you, PayPal for this wonderful opportunity for our students!
Outdoor Events:
Kreeda sports meet:
The Kreeda Sports meet was held this year on 29 September 2018 and Swabodhini had sent a large contingent to the games.
The students participated in the events organized and won many prizes.
In The Media:
The Cauvery news channel visited the school to shoot a feature on Swabodhini. This program was aired on 07 September 2018. Our students Master Ashwin, Master Hari Kumaresh and Master Gurudas were featured in the program along with interviews with their parents and teachers.
The students and the parents who were interviewed by the channel shared their experiences about the school and about special education in general. The parents were appreciative about the various initiatives of the school and how they have helped in the all-round development of their children.
Our Director Ms Anuradha Mahesh was also separately interviewed by the channel and she shared her views on how to identify and address needs of special children, the various therapies provided by the school and how it helps to develop the student’s personality.
She also spoke about how the school helps to empower individuals to reach their potential for all-round development, and transition them to sheltered- or open-employment, thus, enabling them to lead an independent life with dignity in mainstream society.
Accolade Time:
The Commandur Foundation and the Lotus Foundation jointly presented an event on 09 September 2018 commemorating Late Major Gen. C T Chari. At the event 5 individuals with autism were honored for their display of grit and determination in overcoming limiting challenges of autism.
Swabodhini’s student, Master B Vishwanath was one of the proud recipients of this award.
Congratulations, Vishwanath!
In School Activities:
Teacher’s day celebration:
Our teachers were warmly greeted by our students on the occasion of Teachers day.
The teachers were also treated to lunch at the school in commemoration of this day.
Vinayaga Chaturthi:
The festival was celebrated with great fervor at both our center’s.
A small puja was offered to Lord Ganesh and this was followed by spirited performances by our students.
Students are taught the significance of the festivals through these performances. They also pick up various other skills in the process of preparing for these performances viz. communication skills develop, it helps them express themselves better , it also improves voice modulation, articulation and helps them develop fluency in the language.
Birthday Celebrations:
The last day of the month is usually the time to celebrate birthdays at the school. The birthday cake was cut by all those celebrating their birthdays during the month.