
“Nice effort on the part of team Swabodhini, Velachery centre. Thanks to all the team members for their concerted action plan to improve the students. We wish you all success in your endeavors”

Parent of Srinivasa Ranga (Vocational)

“Thanks indeed for such a well organized, scheduled, planned parents meeting. One of the best meets we have attended so far. Teachers have made keen in depth observations and shared positively all their opinions focusing on how to overcome issues and planning what next. We immensely thank Managing Director for exemplary patience hearing parent’s part teacher’s part sharing their views and guidance for wards betterment. Thanks to the centre in charge, all the teachers and helper team for understanding the child’s difficulty ignoring if hurt and willingness to support us. We were blessed and touched by the extended support.

We pray to God to strengthen you all and guide you to achieve all goals set for all kids”

Parent of Rashmika (Vocational)

Thank you all. We were really stunned when we entered the board room. It was really great to see all the teachers together and the feedback we received from all of them. Thanks for all the effort you are putting to make our children live a normal life. Thanks to all the teachers and supporting staff.

Parent of Divya Yazhini (Primary)

“Overall she is good. Thanks to management as well as concerned teachers for taking care of her”

Parent, Yukthi Dhariwal (Pre-vocational)

God Bless Us. Highly satisfied, school rules, regulations made me feel comfortable that they take care of my kids well in and out. At the same time it also gave me confidence that staff as well teaches all their kids well according to their needs. Staffs are all so kind to parents. School is strict which I liked it so much because discipline, self discipline is important than anything else to move forward in our life. According to me, as a parent, I am completely satisfied with this Swabodhini special school more than ever before by God’s Grace.

Thank You all for accepting my Twins as a part of your team. Thank God!!

I wish my twins to continue in this school till they come out as independent individuals in this society.

Parent,Akshaj and Rithvik (Primary)

Krishna Aradhana was 9 years old when she joined Swabodini, her communication skills were not age appropriate. She could not communicate like other neuro typical children; she would not address people properly.

After coming to Swabodhini she has shown improvements in multiple parameters, she has adapted well to training in school. She reproduces at home what she was taught in school. Slowly she became more disciplined as well. Because of calendar activity in school, she was able to identify the day, date, month and the year Earlier she would not interact with others as she had been isolated till then. Once she joined Swabodhini her approach with others improved significantly.

She showed drastic improvement in one year’s time. She developed the capacity to understand and execute our instructions.

Now she is able to execute Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) independently. Now she is able to comprehend and respond to “WH” questions and the concept of good touch and bad touch etc; she consistently applies what she has learnt in school. She is able to adapt her communication style based on the environment and age of the person she is interacting with.

With consistent Occupational Therapy, Life skills training, regular academics and extracurricular activities, she is now independent on several fronts. She is able to operate the computer independently.

I would like to thank the management, teachers and staff of Swabodhini on behalf of my family

-Mr.Paramaguru F/O Krishna Aradhana (Primary)

Kavya has joined the retail management course. Earlier Kavya studied at Vidyasagar

We were apprehensive and doubtful initially as this was the first time that students with Cerebral Palsy (CP) were a part of Swabodhini.

Now we are finding it very comfortable and the children are very happy.

-Latha M/o Kavya (Vocational)

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