September 2017 Newsletter

1st Term Review At Swabodhini:
September marks the end of the first academic term for the school. Term ends are crucial, hectic and yet at the same time, very rewarding period for us. All our students are assessed and parents are invited for detailed discussion with the teachers, therapists and education head & therapy head. For this academic year, we had the progress review meetings for the students on 14th, 15th and 18th of September.
The primary class students performed very well in their assessments and the parents were very happy with the progress made by their wards. They appreciated the efforts of all the teachers and the teaching methodology. Therapeutic advice were given to the parents of primary students.
Adolescent issues were discussed and suggestions provided to parents of pre-vocational students. Parents of vocational students look forward for internship programmes and showed a great amount of flexibility in home programmes. Counseling was also done to parents of interns who face minor challenges during internship.
Autism Round Table Conference:
Commandur Foundation conducted an autism roundtable conference on the topic “On jobs Employability and Self Worth” on 10th Sept at the Alumni Club,Chennai. It was a program where parents of children with autism, special educators from various special schools, employers who have employed people with autism, all came together and shared their thoughts on how adults with autism can be given opportunities to lead an independent life with gainful employment.
Swabodhini is very proud to say that our head of education, Ms. Sudha Kartik was also one of the speakers in this prestigious event. Her talk on “Internship and Mediation: Role of job coach and counselor”, was received very well by all the attendees.
Ms. Sudha spoke on the importance of the role of job coach when sending out students on internships and placements, something that she has worked hands on in Swabodhini and has successfully placed students in mainstream corporate employment and internship. Her vehement emphasis on to parents and special educators to “let the children be” won the hearts of all the parents and special educators.
Vocational Products: Navratri Special Sale:
In an attempt to promote the visibility of the very beautiful and affordable hand made products of our students, we launched a small social media campaign for the sale of diyas, paper bags and gift envelopes. They make lovely return gifts for this festival season and we are extremely happy to say that we got an overwhelming response for the campaign.
Orders poured in through Facebook and WhatsApp and we successfully completed the orders and shipped our products as far as Tirunelveli! The customers were also very happy with the quality & craftsmanship of the products and needless to say, our students were ecstatic about the feedback received.
Take a look at our vocational products here, and mail to, in case you are interested to place your order. We also undertake corporate orders.
MNRI Therapy:
At the beginning of this academic year, MNRI (Musgutova Neurosensori Motor Reflex Integration) therapy for some of our students for whom we felt it will be helpful. After three months of intensive therapy, we have seen some remarkable progress in our students and the parents were thrilled with the therapy. Learn more about what MNRI is, here.
Navratri Stalls:
Every year, World Bank Chennai conducts Dussera Mela, where NGOs from all over the city sets up stall in their office premises. Swabodhini has always been a part of this mela and this year too, Swabodhini participated. The stall was conducted on 6th September.
Swabodhini’s stall was also set up at Mitr Cafe, a support center for making friends in the Special needs world of children and adults at Chennai. The stall was set for 2 days – 9th and 10th sept and was manned by our staff and students.
Fund Raising For Swabodhini:
Members of the Thursday Ladies Club (TLC) visited Swabodhini and nominated us as one of the beneficiaries of their annual fund raising program. The club set up food, clothing and jewelry stall at the Olcott Memorial School on 9th and 10th September. Swabodhini was selected among the nominated charities as one of the beneficiaries and the members gave a donation for the school, to support the cause of autism awareness and special education.
Celebrations At School:
Teachers day was celebrated on the 5th of September with a pot luck lunch made by the teachers of Swabodhini. It was a lovely afternoon of bonding and friendship among all the staff of Swabodhini.
Every year, Navaratri Golu is kept at Swabodhini, where our students bring beautiful dolls from home. This year too, an elegant golu graced our halls. Our culinary students prepared Sundal and Sweet Pongal as Prasad and offered to all.
The school closed for the first term on 20th September for Puja holidays.