October 2023 Newsletter

Greetings from Swabodhini!
October started victoriously with our students winning several prizes in “The Real Heroes” Sports and Cultural events conducted on the very first day of the month.
We are happy to share that one of our students, Mr.Ashwin, has joined the sales department of Hilton Hotel Doha, Qatar. He is in charge of making posters for the restaurants inside the hotel.
Navrathri was celebrated by setting up ‘Golu’ – the festive decoration of colourful figurines in all three centres. Children, decked up in traditional outfits, sang devotional songs and a special pooja was offered to Goddess Saraswathi to get divine blessings for our children.
We are happy to share that Swabodhini participated in a conference organised by ‘Impaction’, a Danish organization for making an impact on society and taking action on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
October, being the end of the first term, Progress Review Report meetings were held to discuss the progress achieved on the goals set for students at the beginning of the term. Team Swabodhini is very happy to hear from almost all the parents about their ward’s rapid progress and the positive changes that they have been observing at home.
Meet you with fresh updates next month!
Best Regards,
Ms Nandini Priyakumari
Swabodhini School and Vocational Center for Special Children
The Real Hero Sports Meet and Cultural Events
On 1st October our students participated in “The real Heros Sports meet” and on 7th October they participated in The real Heroes Cultural event at Bhavans Tag Auditorium and in a sports meet conducted at Nehru stadium. They performed very well and brought laurels to our school. The following are the prizes won by our students
Name | Event Name | Prize won |
Mohammad Ali | Medicine ball | 2 Prize |
Rosario | Running | 2 Prize |
Mohamed Rizwan | Running | 1 Prize |
Mohan | Medicine Ball | 3 Prize |
Navaneeth | Long Jump Running | 2 Prize 1 Prize |
Tharun Athiyapan | Medicine Ball | 3 Prize |
Bala Murugan | Running | 3 Prize |
Abi Rakshitha | Running | 2 Prize |
Keerthika | Long Jump | 3 Prize |
Yukthi Dhariwal | Running | 1 Prize |
Navaneeth Tharun Athiyappan Tharun Rizwan | Relay | 3 Prize |
Employment of our former student
Mr. Ashwin Xavier Ananth, our former student, completed his Vocational course in Computer and office administration skills. He got his employment in Hilton Hotel – Doha, Qatar.
He works in the Sales Department where his skills on computer operations and photoshop are being honed and used in day to day operations. He travels to the Hotel, commuting on his own.
Stall at Prodapt
Stall at LIBA- Loyola Institute of Business Administration
Stall at World Bank Taramani
Vivekananda Exhibition at Guru Nanak School
Our vocational students visited the Swami Vivekananda Exhibition at Guru Nanak School.
PRR Meetings
Teaching Learning Materials (TLMs) made by our Teachers
Navratri Celebrations
We celebrated Golu at all the three centers. Students decked up in traditional outfits sang devotional songs.
Navratri Celebrations
On 23rd October, we celebrated Saraswati puja and distributed sweets to all students and staff.
ABC+ Event at Delhi
GLOBAL GOALS TOUR INDIA conducted ABC+ Event at Delhi to support a sustainable planet for all through education and involvement. Our Principal attended this event and shared the case samples of Sustainable Development Goals.
Camp for Disabled Person
As part of the TamilNadu Government’s Census, representatives from the Disability department conducted a survey of persons with disabilities at all three Centres. They took the details of disabled person’s educational qualifications and other basic details.